Cindy Durant, Image of the landscape surrounding Durant’s remote studio, Penong, SA, 2019.
Community membership is perfect for those who love art, craft and design and/or who want to engage with our programs!

Community Membership
$98 p/yr
Perfect for practising and for non-practicing members interested in accessing Guildhouse programs/services and staying up to date with the sector and engaging with our community. This membership includes the core benefits of the Accredited membership, without our tailor-made insurance package.
Community Membership Includes:
- Eligible for Guildhouse programs
- One-on-one Advice Bank sessions
- Professional development opportunities
- Free or discounted entry to INFORM, reVision and other Guildhouse events
- eBulletins and eFlyers full of sector news
- Access to Member content on the Guildhouse website
- Partner discounts
Please contact us if you have any questions at